Seal of Plumstead Township
5186 Stump Road / Pipersville, Pa 18947 / 215-766-8914
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Comprehensive Plan Update

Plumstead Township adopted its most recent Comprehensive Plan on August 16, 2011, by Resolution #2011-19. A comprehensive plan is a long-range plan that provides framework for future policy and planning decisions, while guiding the Township’s land use, transportation, infrastructure, and community facilities priorities.

Printed copies of the Township’s 2011 Comprehensive Plan update are available for review or purchase at the Township Building.

On June 14, 2022, the Townships Board of Supervisors voted to hire the Bucks County Planning Commission (BCPC) and ETC Institute, which is one the nation’s leading firms in the field of local government research. ETC will conduct the initial survey, which will randomly select residents to participate. The survey will be sent in the mail and the results will be collected, analyzed and presented at a future Work Session. All work sessions and meeting related to the Comprehensive Plan Update will be open to the public, and well advertised as attendance is encouraged in order is to gather resident feedback for future Township planning efforts, programs, and services.As they become available, information and other engagement opportunities can be found on the project website.
The Township will also be posting on Facebook

Comp. Plan Photo

How will this work?

Comp. Plan Photo

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Comp. Plan Photo

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©  Plumstead Township, 5186 Stump Road / Pipersville, Pa 18947 / Phone: 215-766-8914